Reading this really creeped me out....mostly because it is all too likely true.
Maybe we will eventually know.
hey, you kids, sit here on my lap,your little ass, i'm surely gonna tap.god loves you, and i do about i give you some of god's goo?is this a crime?
i think not!it's not in the bible - believe it or not!faithful and discreet - well, ain't that sweet?god wants you to please my meat.and you keep quiet, for god is love.he's watching you, from high up above.satan hates us, the faithful don't be sayin' that we misbehave.god's foes are sayin' that we are lying.yeah, those dudes will soon be dying.some say governing body, others, governing bawdy.we could care less, if we're nice or naughty.we'll never get caught; never be exposed.about our naughty bits, between head and will all roll off us, like water off a duck.holy crap, oz royal commission!
(with credit to leo greenlees and ewart chitty).
Reading this really creeped me out....mostly because it is all too likely true.
Maybe we will eventually know.
here is a quick breakdown of our conversation (by text message).
me: "have you read about the royal commission?
the org has been covering up child abuse.
hahaha...if Jehovah cared a rip, he would not have to "fix" anything. He would have prevented it from ever happening to start with. How does one fix a broken life anyway?
Oh yeah, "Leave it in Jehovah's hands"....hahaha, those hands either broke it or allowed it to be broken in the first place....why should he give a flying mouses pootootie if anything ever gets 'fixed'.....?
recently, several threads have had some debate about logic, evidence, critical thinking and skepticism.
i wanted to write a post discussing those things, hopefully to clarify what those things are, why they are important and how to use those tools.
first, logic, at its core, is simply a method for how to reason validly, how to draw conclusions based on a premise.
i actually started clapping at that point, as his honour explained to the wt type creep sycophantic slithery lawyer that........" i understand that we all have issues to face in life and .....that is a part of life...........however it has become obvious that this man in such a position to assist with this investigation.....".
it boils down to the fact that stewart outright accused the latest witness of misleading the royal commission and this lead to some document searches which led his honour to conclude that they had been protecting mr jackson.
this was a warm and fluffy moment folks.................brilliant stuff!!!!!
If you wish to send a note to Stewart I believe the correct email address is:
It was previously noted in this thread but, the Australia ".au" was left missing. I think it fitting we should bombard him and the whole commission with our deepest appreciation and long term commitment to follow the hearing made public to the end.
i am now a jedi, so trust me on this.. .
why dis-associate, you are just playing by the wts rules?
how can you dis-associate anyway, you never thought you were baptised as a watchtower society member, you thought your dedication was to god, so why formally disassociate from something you did not formally join?
since becoming atheist i have been paying more attention to world events and issues.
this is giving me some worry's when i see what's going on.
as a jw i could just dismiss stuff saying "armageddon is coming, jehovah will look after us" etc etc now of course i can't do that.
I have not become an atheist yet, but am certainly well on my way to being agnostic. Either way, having no hope for the future is more realistic and much less disconcerting for me, than having hope in a lie...which, once you realize it, is having no hope at all. What ever will be, will be. Local saying where I live: "If can, can. If no can, no can".
A positive outlook on life over rides dreadful expectations. Don't worry, be responsible, but be happy!
this would be a good one for jw apologist who scream and panic with anyone who feels the moral direction of the wt publishing company has gone astray.
a comment at the bible highlights last night blew my mind, here is the article that was referenced.
btw this account always bothered me, remember when it was in a drama?
please give reasons for all the lurkers.
and why does shunning show the same attitude as the pharisees?
The Apostle Paul warned the Corinthians not to be too harsh in their shunning of a man who was guilty of sexual immortality / adultery:
2 Co 2:5-11: Now if anyone has caused sadness, he has saddened, not me, but all of you to an extent—not to be too harsh in what I say. This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man; now you should instead kindly forgive and comfort him, so that he may not be overwhelmed by excessive sadness.
I therefore exhort you to confirm your love for him. For this is also why I wrote to you: to determine whether you would give proof of your obedience in all things.
If you forgive anyone for anything, I do also. In fact, whatever I have forgiven (if I have forgiven anything) has been for your sake in Christ’s sight, so that we may not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.
Otherwise, Paul said, if you are not forgiving, but are harsh, then you've been overreached by Satan.
anthony morris 3rd delivered the broadcast this month and advised that lies are circulated that they let children die rather than have medical care .
he says this is so inaccurate as to be a boldfaced lie ...... further he says it is "up to the parents to determine what would be the best treatment for their children" .
now, does this mean that parents are really free to make a decision to accept blood for their minor child, if they so choose?
anthony morris 3rd delivered the broadcast this month and advised that lies are circulated that they let children die rather than have medical care .
he says this is so inaccurate as to be a boldfaced lie ...... further he says it is "up to the parents to determine what would be the best treatment for their children" .
now, does this mean that parents are really free to make a decision to accept blood for their minor child, if they so choose?
Sorry, this may make that easier....